VLUN Templates

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VLUN Templates

Post by sanmantim »

Hello all,
I'm somewhat new to 3PAR and have run into some issues on an array that my team recently inherited. The array has hosts in multiple host sets with volume sets assigned to them. I recently tried to export a volume set to a host set and got the warning that VLUN XX was in use by host set YY (a different host set than I attempted to export to). I experimented a bit and was able to export the VV set to the host set by manually assigning VLUN IDs upon export. My question is how does one verify ahead of time which VLUN IDs are available for use for a particular host set? The 3PAR documentation is sadly lacking in information on the whole VLUN template concept, so any enlightenment you could provide here would be helpful as well. Thanks in advance for any assistance that can be rendered here.
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Re: VLUN Templates

Post by xusarmy »

You should be able to find that info for that VLUN in the management interface for what LUN ID is for what LUN. With that being said I have run into issues with duplicate LUN ID's being used. So map it all out.

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