Configuring Raid Partitions on an MSA50

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Configuring Raid Partitions on an MSA50

Post by paoloc1 »

Good morning,

I appreciate the following is not exactly 3Par related but posting on here in the hope that someone might have prior experience of configuring Raid on an MSA50 (I'm also going to post this on HP MessageBoards)

I'm looking to purchase some MSA50's and P800 controllers which will be hooked upto some Legacy HP rx2800 servers running a mixture of HP-UX 11.31 and OpenVMS 8.4-xxx O/S. Although I have previous experience of configuring MSAxx Raid partitions on VMS systems using the sys$system:msa$util utility, I'm unfamiliar with provisioning storage on an MSAxx using any other utility and was wondering whether there was specific raid s/ware (that would need to be ordered separately to P800/MSA50?) that might allow us to do this?

I note that the release notes for the MSA50 mention that "The MSA50 is managed by HP Systems Insight Manager" but unclear on whether Insight manager provides the i/face to configure the Raid storage on the HP-UX (and VMS) Systems ? I'm looking to create partitions on Raid10 which under msa$util, i would do using commands similar to the ones listed below so hoping that configuration under any other utility would be similarly straightforward/intuitive ? I havent configured any storage on any MSAxxx for over 20 years now, as more familiar with using 3PAR SSMC or XP2400 so would be grateful for any information you could provide

Create_partition S2 size=25
Create_partition S2 size=25
Create_partition S2 size=25
Create_partition S2 size=largest

Add unit d300 partition=1 writeback_cache
Add unit d301 partition=2 writeback_cache
Add unit d302 partition=3 writeback_cache
Add unit d303 partition=4 writeback_cache
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