HPE Storage Users Group

copy CPG
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Author:  mohuddle [ Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  copy CPG

In the VV view of MC, does "Reserved Copy Size" ( GiB or % Virtual ) have any relation to the Copy CPG?

As far as I know, on our F400 frames, we never utilized snapshots, which is a license-able product I believe?

Trying to cleanup predecessors work and noticed nearly all the VVs have a CopyCPG set to the same CPG as the VV??...maybe they thought you had to do it? Or thought it was some sort of extra protection?

If one were to make a Physical or Virtual Copy of a VV, would a CPG be needed then?

Author:  Richard Siemers [ Wed Oct 08, 2014 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: copy CPG

Copy CPG is required for virtual copies as well as remote copy. Not sure about physical copies, but its possible if the physical copy uses a snapshot as its source copy.

On our systems that have no virtual/remote copies, we clear the copy field field.

Author:  3ParDude_1 [ Fri Oct 10, 2014 3:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: copy CPG

I've seen in the best practice guide it recommends you do set a copy CPG for each VV. It doesn't say why, I guess its just so that if you do start to use snapshots etc in the future the setting is already there. So I would think that's why the copy CPG setting is there on your system.

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