OOBE License lost ?

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OOBE License lost ?

Post by timsta »

hey guys,

i´ve got a question about the OOBE about a 3Par 7200/7400.
We have here an old 3PAR in the company witch we wan´t to use
as a DEV system or just only for testing etc....

The system is a: 7200/7400 with 2 controller, each controller
has a 10GbE nic ( i think it´s a CNA ) and we have 2 additional
storage boxes with 24 x 900gb FC drives.

I have the password from the 3paradm so i think this is a good way,
i can log in by using the management software and can create virtual
volumes and everything but the system show that there are problems
with the admin volume and the PR Volume i think.

i´ve tried to change the ip address to the we want to use in the
dev/lab network. I´ve logged in the mgmt software but here i´cant change
the ip because the software shows somting like "verifying" so i tried to do this
by the cli via the setnet command and here i get the message the the admin
volume is not reachable.

So i was reading / searchin in the internet and i find out that there is a oobe mode
for the system.
What happend if i use the oobe ( serial connection etc.... ) the system is fresh ? What
happed with the installed license ? Did i need to reactivate all my features and disk witch
are currently licensed ? Is there a option to backup and restore the license after the oobe

Maybe i don´t need a oobe precedure. maybe some one can help me:-)

If you need additional infos please let me know i will post it

Some infos:

:: Checkhealth

Alert New alerts 1
Cabling Cages not connected to same slot & port 1
host Hosts not seen by multiple nodes 3
LD Number of logging LDs does not match number of nodes in the cluster 1
LD Preserved data storage space does not equal total node's Data memory 1
Network IP address change has not been completed 1
Network Too few working admin network connections 1
Network Nodes with less than one day of network history 4
Network Errors detected on network 1
PD Cages with unbalanced disks 3
PD Magazines with failed servicemag operations 1
PD Magazines that are being serviced


CV7400 cli% checkhealth -detail
Checking alert
Checking cabling
Checking cage
Checking cert
Checking dar
Checking date
Checking fs
Checking host
Checking ld
Checking license
Checking network
Checking node
Checking pd
Checking port
Checking rc
Checking snmp
Checking task
Checking vlun
Checking vv
Component ----------------------------Description----------------------------- Qty
Alert New alerts 1
Cabling Cages not connected to same slot & port 1
host Hosts not seen by multiple nodes 3
LD Number of logging LDs does not match number of nodes in the cluster 1
LD Preserved data storage space does not equal total node's Data memory 1
Network IP address change has not been completed 1
Network Too few working admin network connections 1
Network Nodes with less than one day of network history 4
Network Errors detected on network 1
PD Cages with unbalanced disks 3
PD Magazines with failed servicemag operations 1
PD Magazines that are being serviced 1

Component -----------Identifier----------- ----------------------------------Description----------------------------------
Alert sw_os:0,sw_process:vasa_https_gw Process vasa_https_gw could not be started up after repeated attempts on node 0
Cabling cage1 Cage connected to different ports node0 DP-1 and node1 DP-2
host VIRTHOST04 Host is not seen by multiple nodes, only seen from node 1
host VIRTHOST02 Host is not seen by multiple nodes, only seen from node 1
host CV-BK01_iSCSI Host is not seen by multiple nodes, only seen from node 1
LD --
LD -- Number of logging LDs does not match number of nodes in the cluster
LD -- Preserved data storage space is less than total node's Data memory
Network -- IP address change has not been completed
Network -- No nodes have working admin network connections
Network Node0:Admin There is less than one day of network history for this node
Network Node0:Remote_copy There is less than one day of network history for this node
Network Node1:Admin There is less than one day of network history for this node
Network Node1:Admin Errors detected on network
Network Node1:Remote_copy There is less than one day of network history for this node
PD Cage:0 PDs FC/10K/900GB unbalanced. Primary path: 9 on Node:0, 10 on Node:1
PD Cage:0 PDs SSD/150K/200GB unbalanced. Primary path: 3 on Node:0, 2 on Node:1
PD Cage:1 PDs FC/10K/900GB unbalanced. Primary path: 11 on Node:0, 12 on Node:1
PD cage:0,mag:5 Magazine has a failed servicemag operation
PD cage:1,mag:11 Magazine is being serviced
CV7400 cli%
Posts: 44
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 10:56 am

Re: OOBE License lost ?

Post by david »

There are a few errors there, but the one that is probably causing problems is:
Network Too few working admin network connections 1

Do you have both nodes plugged into the network, When changing the IP it will try to verify that the network for both nodes is ok.

I will probably be carrying out the same type of procedure in a month or 2 on our 7200.
If you do a reset, you will probably need to install the licenses again, you can get them from the HPE portal again.
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Joined: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:41 am

Re: OOBE License lost ?

Post by timsta »

thanks for you response

i´ve connected 1 7200/7400 with both controller connected
the other system is not connected to the network. Must i connect
it to the LAN ? Should i connect the RCIP ports also to the LAN ?

My plan is to use the other System as a training system only and not in the current cluster.
Can i change the cluster config so the i have not a cluster ( i mean the it is not a 7400 but 2 7200 systems )

The one node has
and the other

I want to reset the to 10.41.x.y but it dosen´t work.

Is it not possible to export and import the license because the cli has this option for export
and i get a file like

i hope this are enough infos

greeting and thanks
Posts: 44
Joined: Tue May 05, 2015 10:56 am

Re: OOBE License lost ?

Post by david »

You can use the "showlicense -raw" output as the license for adding to the system again.

Was it a 7400 that you have split up, or was it actually 2 x 7200 (7400 is essentially 2 x 7200 with a link cable between them and a BIOS change).
Im guessing you are using
gateway: ?
ntp: and 11 ? (I just randomly picked 2 addresses for example, change as it should be)
dns: and 11 ? (I just randomly picked 2 addresses for example, change as it should be)
name: testarray1

you would do the following:
Ensuring that you have both nodes connected to a switch on the correct vlan and can ping the gateway.

Code: Select all

setnet startaddr
setnet startgateway
setnet ntp none
setnet ntp -add
setnet ntp -add
setnet dns none
setnet dns -add
setnet dns -add
setnet finish -f
setsys -name testarray1

Is this what you did?
Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:41 am

Re: OOBE License lost ?

Post by timsta »

Hey david

thanks for you replay.

I´d know exactly if this was config as a cluster but i think so. Is there any way ( by the cli or similar) to check this ? My colleague say´s that it was not clusters but it looks like it was a cluster because i have 4 of these HPE special link cables. But there are only 96 disks licensed so from my opinion it can´t be a cluster because there a not enough disks in for a cluster
Is there any way to figure it out by cli oder mgmt software ?

If i try to change the IP i get the following

Code: Select all

The admin volume needs to be available to change the network configuration.
CV7400 cli% setnet finish -f
The admin volume needs to be available to change the network configuration.

With the license -raw i have exported my licenses already.
Maybe it helps is you know what is all licensed
This is all active for 96 Disks

Code: Select all

License features currently enabled:
3PAR OS Suite
Adaptive Flash Cache
Adaptive Optimization
Dynamic Optimization
Management Plug-In for VMware vCenter
Peer Motion
Peer Persistence
Recovery Manager for VMware vSphere
Remote Copy
System Reporter
System Tuner
Thin Conversion
Thin Copy Reclamation
Thin Deduplication
Thin Persistence
Thin Provisioning (10240000G)
Virtual Copy
Virtual Domains
Virtual Lock
VSS Provider for Microsoft Windows

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Location: Europe

Re: OOBE License lost ?

Post by MammaGutt »

Reading the output of checkhealth, you have more than one problem on hand.... Doing a back-in-the-box and out-of-the-box will not fix your SAS cabling issue.

It will not fix missing cabling/zoning issues resulting in host not seing more than one node.

It will not fix the lack of physical network connections to the nodes. (Network -- No nodes have working admin network connections)

It will not fix the unbalanced of physical disks.

It will however start the system up again with the health drives you have (from what I can see, multiple drives has failed in the system and probably been yanked from the system).

So I would fix those issues first, then do OOTB.

If you're unable to re-use the license key exported thru showlicense I would try and log a support case. As long as you are the original owner of the 3PAR system I would be surprised if they didn't provide you with the registered license for that system even if there is no support contract.
The views and opinions expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my current or previous employers.
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