I want to present a 3PAR LUN to a Ubuntu server for virtual machine, can I create 4 LUNs with 500GiB each and present it to the server as single 2TiB LUN? Can 3PAR do that?
And also I have a VM that need a capacity for 20TiB, can someone advice me on the LUNs configuration, how many LUNs should I create, capacity per each LUNs...
Don't understand why you want to create 4 Volumes and then bundle it into one Volume. And as far as I know its not possible on the 3PAR side.
You can however create 4 volumes @ 500 GB and then export it as 4 Vluns to the Ubuntu Server.
Then you can use LVM on that side to make 1 volume out of the 4 volumes, but again why would anyone cause that much hassle for them self when they can create 1 Volume @ 2TB and give to the Ubuntu host.
As for the second question the max volume size on the 3PAR is 16TiB for a single Volume. You can however share out 2 volumes and bundle them to 1 at the host side if the host supports it.