How to unexport a vlun from one host set but not another?

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How to unexport a vlun from one host set but not another?

Post by Gatorfreak »

I have a virtual volume exported to two host sets. Host set "A" is to be removed. I removed all hosts from host set A. I get an error message when I try to delete host set A, presumably because there are volumes exported to it.

How do I unexport a volume from host set A while keeping it exported to host set B?

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Richard Siemers
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Re: How to unexport a vlun from one host set but not another

Post by Richard Siemers »

Under Provisioning>Virtual Volumes>Exported> Virtual Volumes Tab select the VV in the list on the top pane, then the middle pane will populate. In the middle pane, go to the VLUNs tab, VLUN Templates sub-tab. Here you will see a list of ALL VLUN templates which define each and every "export". You will want to delete the correct template in that list.

I think my MS paint skills can say it better... so have a look at this, and let the CLI favoritists chime in :)

remove_vlun.jpg (348.07 KiB) Viewed 22766 times
Richard Siemers
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Re: How to unexport a vlun from one host set but not another

Post by Richard Siemers »

P.S. A better way to start might be to go to hostset that you are trying to delete, click on the Virtual Volumes tab to see what volumes are still exported to it. DO NOT! DO NOT! DO NOT right click on them and click UNEXPORT. It will return a list of ALL exports and ALL templates and ask you if you are sure that you want to delete them ALL. Instead you can use the hyper link to the VV name which then should take you to step 4 on the picture above.
Richard Siemers
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Re: How to unexport a vlun from one host set but not another

Post by Gatorfreak »

Thanks!!! I knew there had to be a way and was hoping to avoid diving into the CLI.
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