How to find the exact CLI command syntax of SSMC operations

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How to find the exact CLI command syntax of SSMC operations

Post by aberus »

Here is a trick that I use frequently and I don't recall seeing it posted anywhere so I thought I would share. I stumbled on this a while back when I was snooping through my SSMC logs working on a problem I was having. If you are going to be scripting complex operations, like remote Copy for example, this is a lifesaver.

If you want to do something from the commandline and you are unsure of the proper syntax the easiest way to determine it is to run through the process in the SSMC then extract the commands from the "tclapi.audit" log file located in "C:\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\SSMC\ssmcbase\data\logs".

For example, you want to create a new VV with the following options:
1. Name: TestVV
2. System: <3par_name>
3. Provisioning: Thin
4. CPG: fc_r6_ss6_cage
5. Size: 1GB
6. Copy CPG: fc_r5_ss3_cage_snapshots
7. Comments: Test VV
8. Export to: <server_name>
9. LUN ID: 2
10. Expire the LUN in 5 days

You will see the following in the "tclapi.audit" log:

2017-08-04T13:55:30.787-0400 <array_IP> <array_sn> 227749:-1 <username> 600000 111 111 35 SUCCESS {<username>**************** clear {SSMC kxbB1l, pool 5432} 3.1.0 SSMCsvr}
2017-08-04T13:55:30.787-0400 <array_IP> <array_sn> 227749:-1 <username> 600000 0 0 2 SUCCESS {setcurrentdomain -}
2017-08-04T13:55:30.975-0400 <array_IP> <array_sn> 227749:28033 <username> 600000 110 110 2 SUCCESS {createtpvv -exp 432000 -comment {Test VV} -snp_cpg _fc_r5_ss3_cage_snapshots -pol stale_ss,no_one_host,zero_detect -usrboundary _fc_r6_ss6_cage TestVV 1024}
2017-08-04T13:55:33.459-0400 <array_IP> <array_sn> 227750:-1 3paradm 600000 62 62 29 SUCCESS {3paradm **************** clear {SSMC kxbB1l, pool 6} 3.1.0 SSMCsvr}
2017-08-04T13:55:33.491-0400 <array_IP> <array_sn> 227750:-1 3paradm 600000 32 32 2 SUCCESS {setcurrentdomain -}
2017-08-04T13:55:36.551-0400 <array_IP> <array_sn> 227751:-1 3paradm 600000 0 0 29 SUCCESS {3paradm **************** clear {SSMC kxbB1l, pool 3} 3.1.0 SSMCsvr}
2017-08-04T13:55:36.566-0400 <array_IP> <array_sn> 227751:-1 3paradm 600000 15 15 2 SUCCESS {setcurrentdomain -}
2017-08-04T13:55:37.019-0400 <array_IP> <array_sn> 227749:28033 <username> 600000 0 0 3 SUCCESS {createvlun -novcn TestVV 2 <server_name>}
2017-08-04T13:55:40.180-0400 <array_IP> <array_sn> 227737:31893 3paradm 600000 0 0 0 SUCCESS (Closing socket)

So to do this from the CLI you would enter the following:

createtpvv -exp 432000 -comment {Test VV} -snp_cpg _fc_r5_ss3_cage_snapshots -pol stale_ss,no_one_host,zero_detect -usrboundary _fc_r6_ss6_cage TestVV 1024
createvlun -novcn TestVV 2 <server_name

I hope you guys find this useful!
Adam Berus - I.S. Tech Lead - Wolverine Worldwide Inc.
x1-7200, x2-7400, x1-7450, x1-8400, x2-8440
3PAR Technologies: AFC, AO, FilePersona, RemoteCopy (RCIP)
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Re: How to find the exact CLI command syntax of SSMC operati

Post by Richard Siemers »

Good find! Thanks for sharing.
Richard Siemers
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Re: How to find the exact CLI command syntax of SSMC operati

Post by yehuda »


how can see cli command if I use SSMC 3.6.1 ( appliance )
what equivalent to "tclapi.audit" log


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