Hello Marc, thanks for the document. I've fixed the forums to allow document posting and included the attachment here as well.
ESG Lab Review 3PAR Autonomic Groups Nov 09.pdf
Autonomic groups reminds me of Clariion Navisphere "Storage Groups". While not a bleeding edge SAN technology, both are important mechanisms to stay organized and improve workflow when provisioning and troubleshooting.
It appears that ESG has chosen a "less than optimal" method to illustrate Virtual Volume Sets. Figure 5, and the dialogue explaining it are the steps to create a single virtual volume. Sure, assigning the LUN a set name that doesnt exist technicaly creates a volume set, but it neglects the entire tab dedicated to Volume Sets. Furthermore they only created one volume, assigned it to a set named the same as the volume which would be a confusing bad practice. Tsk Tsk! Last but not least, using only one LUN in the set leaves out any part detailing which scsi id gets assigned to which VV, if exists.