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Bring 3par back to life

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2023 2:30 pm
by marcus

I´m working theese days trying to bring a 3par 8400 back to life. It was bought on 2016 for a project that never came to life and was powered of since 2019. I could manage to recover the passwords of the accounts spvar, 3parcust and also to root access on console. The problem I´m facing now is that the unified-server certificate has expired on the Service Processor. I´ve tried to renew it using the command createcert using booth users (spvar and 3parcust) and I´m receiving the message: createcert : Permission denied. How can I give to those users the permission to create a new certificate? Thanks in advance!


Re: Bring 3par back to life

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 12:40 am
by Richard Siemers
I don't see 3PARADM in the list of recovered accounts.

I suspect it would be easier to remove the 3PAR from the SP, then re-add it? Check for the specific documentation for your version of SP for info.l