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LDAP Auth issue in 3.1.2 MU2

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:01 pm
by mgaston
Has anyone tried configuring LDAP auth in InForm OS 3.1.2 and been successful? I am trying to setup LDAP auth on a 7200 using the same configuration we have on our v400 running 3.1.1 and it's giving me fits. I keep getting this error on the 7200 when using checkpassword.

+ authorization denied: Operations error

I have verified that the configs are identical between the two systems using the showauthparam. Any suggestions?

Re: LDAP Auth issue in 3.1.2 MU2

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:34 am
by mgaston
Ok, I figured this one out myself. If you change ldap-port to 3268 in OS 3.1.2 MU2 you can search the root of the domain but must select an OU if you use ldap-port 389. Behavior seems to have changed from OS 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 but that's what's working now.

Just thought I'd share.

Re: LDAP Auth issue in 3.1.2 MU2

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:46 pm
by Richard Siemers
Thanks for sharing. We just added a new 7200 with 3.1.2 MU1 and the same old setup notes I made from 2.2.4 still work, so perhaps its a change in MU2.

Re: LDAP Auth issue in 3.1.2 MU2

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:45 am
by hdtvguy
I am struggling to get LDAP authentication set up on 3.1.2. MU2. I have followed some of the posts on this forums but still have issues.

The below is the output of what my settings are. I have an AD group (3parscripts) in the "something" OU and the user account is in the same OU

I have tried domain-name-prefix with InServDomain= and !InServDomain= and made sure the description contains InServDomain=

ldap-server 10.1.x.x
ldap-ssl 0
account-obj user
allow-ssh-key 0
account-name-attr sAMAccountName
sasl-mechanism GSSAPI
accounts-dn OU=something,OU=admins,DC=company,DC=com
memberof-attr memberOf
ldap-port 389
edit-map CN=3parscripts,OU=something,OU=admins,DC=company,DC=com
domain-name-attr description
binding sasl
group-obj group
domain-name-prefix InServDomain=

Any help would be appreciated.

Re: LDAP Auth issue in 3.1.2 MU2

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:02 pm
by Richard Siemers
check your kerberos realm... it is case sensitive. Mine was all caps.

Re: LDAP Auth issue in 3.1.2 MU2

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:44 pm
by NathanBell
We ran into the same issue with the KERBEROS realm, they are most definitely case sensitive.

Re: LDAP Auth issue in 3.1.2 MU2

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:25 pm
by hdtvguy
Go it ti work with AD without all th Kerberos realm stuff by using simple mode.

I substituted our data with generic names, but it was as simple as the following steps to get AD authentication working to provide edit permissions to an AD account in a specific OU under another OU.

setauthparam -f ldap-server
setauthparam -f ldap-server-hn
setauthparam -f binding simple
setauthparam -f user-attr DOMAINNAME\\
setauthparam -f accounts-dn OU=yyy,OU=zzz,DC=aaa,DC=com
setauthparam -f account-obj user
setauthparam -f account-name-attr SAMAccountName
setauthparam -f memberof-attr memberOf
setauthparam edit-map CN=xxx,OU=yyy,OU=zzz,DC=aaa,DC=com